clear glass mason jar on beach during sunset

The morning light from the sun fills my bedroom, it was a long night of wrestling with congestion,and I am glad the sunshine has penetrated again to make me feel alive. The light has always brought life to me in a strong a powerful way. No wonder why when woman in my birth country (Mexico) said when they have a baby “dio a luz” which literally means “gave light”.

My life in the counselor room as also created in me a deep perception for the darkness. There is darkness in our world. Some of my clients called them depression, other called it anxiety, most called them marital conflicts which afflict them with sadness disappointed and hurt. The sexual immorality that prevails brings clients to me with issues of abuse and brokenness. Yes, indeed there is darkness in the world.

I grew up as a Christian and for many years I had admired a beautiful text that comes from the Bible that says the following:

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” James 1:17:18

I always loved this verse and I have used it as the first page of my books, because I believe the God who created the light in the heavens, the stars that shine in the darkness and the moon that reflect the light from the sun is also able to give us gift that reflect some of the light we can also still see in this world. I will share one small experience that will reflect what I mean;

There was a winter day in Germany where I lived for almost 5 years, I lived closed to the wood and I used to take my children for long walks by the trees to see the frost in a lake nearby. We were all wearing winter jackets, gloves and hats but the sun was out, and it made the bear trees interesting. It look like if they were sleeping waiting from the spring light. I was happy and decided to take the children for a treat and drive for twenty minutes to a nearby restaurant that had a deck by the lake. I looked at my wallet and I found 30 euros, so I look carefully at the menu and order something I could pay with 30 euros which was a big pizza and some drinks. We were the only foreigners in the restaurant and all you could hear was German all over the tables. We were probably the only 3 people with brown skin and dark hair. When I went to pay the check, the waitress said; don’t worry someone already paid for it. I had to asked him to repeat his German because I have doubt him, I understood correctly. But he repeated the same thing. So, in surprise I asked him “whom”. He smiled and said: “they don’t want you to know who”. I told him, please said thank you and I thought selfishly; I should have order that delicious salad I wanted. I smiled and walked out with my children to drive back home

The sun in Germany is a precious gem in the winter, but it is also the kindness and generosity of people around us. There is also light in the world, some of us called it patience, love, faith, kindness, generosity, gratitude, appreciation. Therefore sometimes when my clients come with burdens hard to bear I often star the sessions with gratitude of appreciation for their partner, because if we are able to focus we can see many things around us that represent light.

At the end, we are also capable of being bearers of light. We can reflect light as the moon from the Sun we can certainly reflect that light that come from our Father of the lights who give to use every perfect gifts from his generous hand.

I invite you today to trained your mind each day “fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely and things that are excellent and worthy of praise”.

The more you think about it the more you will become that, you and I can truly give light.

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