How google maps gave me back my independence
Moving to a new country starts like an adventure, a challenge, and in your mind it opens tons of possibilities. It not only does that, but it also makes you imagine all kinds of experiences and enhances the desire to learn and understand a new culture and language. For me, this desire sometimes kept me […]
Cuando alguién muere
Con tan solo una llamada pueda caer tu mundo. Solo toma un instante, dos palabras, tal vez cuatro, y de repente te ves caer en un abismo que parece infinito donde al final sabes con seguridad que encontrarás oscuridad. De pronto la vida que creías tuya, que fluía con la calma y la alegría de […]
My purpose
Today one on my good friends is landing in a cloudy Mexico city after traveling abroad to see her father who is really ill.