Una sorpresa inesperada
Fue uno de esos días que recordaría toda la vida. Pero la mañana fría nació como cualquier otra, sin yo presentir lo que sucedería en unas horas.
How google maps gave me back my independence
Moving to a new country starts like an adventure, a challenge, and in your mind it opens tons of possibilities. It not only does that, but it also makes you imagine all kinds of experiences and enhances the desire to learn and understand a new culture and language. For me, this desire sometimes kept me […]
The night of happiness
Night was falling. The light on the sky was changing slowly, from the natural blue of a clear sky to the red and yellows of a beautiful sunset. We walked slowly, enjoying the moment, feeling each other’s hearts quietly, hearing the street music, taking pictures, feeling the cool breeze over our faces and tasting the […]
Two opposite gifts

Learning is the process of a lifetime. No matter in what stage of life you are in, there is always something new to learn if you are willing to listen. I have never seen this kind of attitude more clearly in the eyes of the people than here in Germany. I tell you why.
Cuando alguién muere
Con tan solo una llamada pueda caer tu mundo. Solo toma un instante, dos palabras, tal vez cuatro, y de repente te ves caer en un abismo que parece infinito donde al final sabes con seguridad que encontrarás oscuridad. De pronto la vida que creías tuya, que fluía con la calma y la alegría de […]
My first “I love you”
Love makes life intensely more beautiful.
El primer “te quiero”

“El amor hace que la vida se llene de una intensa belleza”
The Bad days
Rain falls and thunder and lightning are approaching my window. I try to sleep, but instead of that rain singing me to sleep as it usually does in my glorious days it wakes me up. The truth is that there’s something in my heart that will not let me sleep in peace.
Congruency and Relationships
John Powell a popular writer in the 70’s and 80’s wrote a book on communication called Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am? Insights into Personal GrowthIn this book he share his idea that there are five different levels on which we can communicate, and an understanding of these levels is essential.